Of course, first of all, you must join the Cryptocurrency site platform that allows you to carry out funding activities such as trade and investment. It is very difficult, especially for crimes such as fraud that are quite common nowadays. Meanwhile, there are many sites out there that offer such facilities without you probably knowing whether it's valid or not. for this, it is recommended that you use DAYTA - a decentralized data exchange. This is a type of Cryptocurrency platform with simple requirements, easy access, and lots of great features. This is even more interesting because consultation and discussion is available here to support you to become more successful later.
The function of the cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology, which is an information storage system in the form of a block chain. In this case, all information is stored on various devices participating in this system, while anyone can become a member of this system (something similar to a torrent during information distribution / downloading). During transactions, information about the payment is displayed on all devices (data is synchronized via the Internet), making it almost impossible to hack the system. Therefore, companies one by one enter this area, because the advantages of developing projects in this system are clear. So, DAYTA is a blockchain based platform that allows you to protect data and make money. The idea of Dayta is to simultaneously solve many data protection, approval and confidentiality issues.
At the application level, three interested parties can connect to the blockchain using an ad-hoc application:
- The application component specifically stores personal user data and provides functionality for checking and sharing this data.
- The meter is equipped with components that allow you to validate user data and store digital fingerprints from data in the block chain.
- Components for data services allow you to request access to data and store it temporarily after authorization.

At the blokcheyna level, there are three main functional smart contracts:
- Dayta Token - Token service platform used in Dayta economic data
- Hash independent user data data stored in blokcheyne to ensure that the data matches the initial general data, which is confirmed by miners checking the platform
- Implementation of data exchange agreements between users and data services in the form of smart contracts.
Initially, Dayta DApp will work in the public Ethereum block chain. However, blockchain technology is still relatively new, and technological uncertainty means you can only speculate about the scalability, cost, and performance of the Ethereum platform in the future. For this reason, the Dayta team will study new blockchain technologies, such as Plasma, to transfer the system to a special block chain, if deemed appropriate. The blockchain architecture, which consists of smart contracts, is designed with modularity in mind to facilitate this potential migration.
Below is a multi-level architecture of the smart contract system, which is used on the Etherchain chain. The agreement is implemented in a separate contract that follows the factory design. The factory agreement is responsible for using contracts for each type of agreement. Smart contracts connect users with testers to send approved hash data to the data registry. Please note that actual data is not stored on the blockchain. Finally, the contract with the Dayta intellectual token implemented a platform service token.

A typical application is a Dayta wallet that is compatible with ERC-20
- User applications: web applications and mobile applications allow users to interact with the blockchain. Both applications store data on the user's device and provide functionality to easily request data confirmation and respond to data access requests
- Verification application. Verifier allows you to automatically receive verification requests from the verification request queue. The KYC verification field is filled in, the data is verified, the hash is calculated and sent to the blockchain
- Data services: system services (daemons) allow data service providers to have constant access to the blockchain. This service holds data provided by users and provides a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface that can be used by applications that use this data.
Why Dayta?
- Get the benefits of your personal data: Dayta allows Users to finally take part in profits generated by the company by using our data for marketing purposes, analysis of behavior and customer insight. Users, Business and Miners
- Blockchain Infrastructure: plays an independent role but is interrelated, Supported by the blockchain Daychain and managed through DAYTA tokens.
- GDPR & Data Protection: Dayta has a GDPR-ready design to ensure users can easily manage and benefit from their data worldwide.

The DAYTA Token will be used as part of the Dayta ecosystem to facilitate approval agreements with companies that want to use personal information and process data with the owner of the personal information itself. All data is stored locally by users, and agreements are enshrined through smart contracts on the Daychain blockchain and therefore cannot be restored, transparent and secure. No new tokens will be created.
The Investor Phase is underway and will end in April 2019, Pre-sale starts May 1, 2019, and the Main sale is scheduled for May 11, 2019, thanks to which you can become part of the DAYTA project and not just a participant, but a full shareholder of this company by acquiring tokens DAYTA.
Token details
- Token: DAYTA
- Platform: Ethereum
- Token type: ERC20
- Available for sale: 1,500,000,000 DAYTA (60%)
- Pre-sale time: 28 June 2019 - 12 July 2019
- ICO Time: 12 July 2019 - 9 August 2019
- Pre-sale price: 1 DAYTA = 0.0000193 ETH
- ICO Price: 1 DAYTA = 0.0000296 ETH
- Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH
- Soft cap: 3,000 ETH
- Hard cap: 45,000 ETH
- White List / KYC: KYC
- Country: UK

Dayta is the future of DAYTA tokens-based personal data exchange. The main idea of Dayta is to simultaneously solve many data protection, approval, and confidentiality issues. The team developed an action plan to create a safe, easy to use and reliable Dapp mechanism and share personal information in an integrated digital ecosystem. The aim is to provide all participants, from company to user, with the protection and benefits of a personal data chain that will ensure effective data audits and transparent intellectual contracts and agreements.

For More Information About DAYTA, Please Click the Link Below:
- Website: https://www.mydayta.io
- Whitepaper: https://www.mydayta.io/uploads/white_paper/Whitepaper.pdf
- Telegram: https://t.me/mydayta
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/MyDayta
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mydayta
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayta/
- Medium: https://medium.com/@mydayta
Author: ngapayak
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