Jumat, 17 Mei 2019

Global Property Register

The Global Property Register (GPR) Project is a very good project related to property for everyone whose project will cover the entire world especially for developed countries.
This project will be utilized for everyone in securing various properties they have. Property owners can also exchange property owned because the Global Property Register (GPR) also functions as an international exchange market.
This project in my opinion will be successful in the future because the results of the project are very beneficial for everyone.
Now the Global Property Register (GPR) project is also holding a pre-ICO Phase 2 which will end on 20 April with a bonus of 40%. For the ICO, it will last approximately to ICO Stage 3 until the sales of tokens are successful, for details of the selling process of tokens are:
Pre-ICO (20 March — 20 April)
ICO Stage 1 (1 June — 30 June)
ICO Stage 2 (1 July — 31 July)
ICO Stage 3 (Continue / Coming)
Blockchain technology has the ability to optimize the global infrastructure to address international issues more effectively than existing systems in today’s environment. Here are all the benefits of Blockchain technology.
The blockchain of different industries will ensure transparency in all categories. With a financial transaction, you can observe Blockchain’s chain transfer status in real time, instead of not knowing where the status of the transaction is until the end of the transaction, a common problem in the system. current. Transparency remains unchanged when applied to all values ​​stored in Blockchain.
One of the advantages of Blockchain technology over existing systems is the ability to remove intermediate units by allowing users to deal directly with each other instead of going through third parties. This helps billions of people living in countries where they can not trust intermediaries because of declining government, high crime rates, contracted companies and operations. Manual record keeping or legal options are very limited.
Blockchain enables the development of primary and secondary trading platforms for securities and real estate “often offers new opportunities for limitation by creating more liquidity and facilitating access for individuals.
Global Property Register is a decentralized ecosystem that provides the world’s first blockchain world. We are taking advantage of blockchain technology to facilitate the recording of assets for humanity, especially in developing countries. Global Asset Registrations (GPRs) are the world’s first global real estate records, including developed and developing countries. It will provide proof of ownership of more than 4.5 billion people (worth $ 20 million) worldwide, who are currently not covered by insurance and are therefore cut off from the financial and real estate market. . It will also provide a global asset exchange. This platform will serve as an international digital real estate market for all market participants.
How to buy our chips?
XRX Wallet will be an investor’s all-in-one portfolio for all financial transactions. Our portfolio integrated into each user’s account.
Global Property Register Products
Our expertise lies in providing the best and reliable blockchain-based real estate products. Our experts understand the differing demands of the real estate market and strive to provide the most effective solutions. We will provide the following solutions. Our user-friendly application will be easy to understand and will give you up-to-the-minute updates. Here is a short list of other benefits that this app will provide you.
Global applications of the property register
Once in our ecosystem, you can manage everything. Anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can use our solutions and download their land or property from our universal blockchain registry.
Benefits of the project
Real estate is one of the most stable forms of investment and involves little risk as an investment mechanism. The total value of real estate developed exceeds USD 228 trillion, which is more than the total equities traded and securitized globally, and in 2016 global trading volumes reached approximately USD 661 billion.
By keeping an immutable record of ownership, charge and assignment, the blockchain can provide certainty of information allowing for increased confidence and transparency. It can allow each property element to have its own numeric address on which all property information can be stored.
This would include financial information, leases, taxes, invoices, liens, easements, building performance, physical characteristics, and property transaction history, potentially eliminating the need for expensive title searches. in depth.
Crucially, all property level information can be encrypted so that only persons authorized by the owner (or the lender in the case of a mortgage transfer) can be authorized.
Fraud Prevention — All transactions made on a blockchain platform will be cryptographically signed and may be audited. Using timestamps with a consensus mechanism on the blockchain avoids double booking / selling of the same property unit, which is a common problem when a property is listed by different brokers.
Tokenization Model
1 XRX = 0.005 USD
Token Name/Symbol XRX
Total Token Supply 5,000,000,000
Circulating Supply 2,500,000,000
Token Sale Price $0.005
Blockchain Used Ethereum
Token Standard ERC20
Pre-ICO Feb 2019
Soft Cap $2,500,000
Hard Cap $25,000,000
Like some new improvements, Blockchain also has analysis. A progression of welfare-related questions and the reliability of this innovation has been raised, like the problem of human error; When used as a database, the entered data must be recorded exactly from the earliest starting point.
However, when innovation is used more often, these problems will be illuminated. During that time, innovation will streamline unpredictable and conventional land business.
With the vision of Global Property Registration (GPR), a world in which every mortgage owner can exploit his or her property estimates (home or land). Report protected property and simple to get. The distortion of land and property was wiped out, especially in the creation of countries in Africa, Asia and South America. Therefore, this is a network venture and the best system.
Their route starts from November 2016 (brings together the team to plan). Then built and expanded step by step until 2021 will expand to global scale
Like any other new technology, Blockchain also has criticism. A series of questions about the safety and reliability of this technology have been raised, as well as the issue of human error; When used as a database, the information entered must be accurately recorded from the beginning.
However, when technology is more commonly used, these problems will be solved. Meanwhile, technology will streamline the complex and traditional commercial real estate industry.
For more information, please visit the link below:
 Author: ngapayak

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